3D Character Animation and Creative Simulation Technologies
How to animate in Autodesk Maya is taught through a series of lectures, assignments, and mini-productions of increasing complexity in the field of 3D character animation, from concept to polish.
Via University College
➝ animationworkshop.via.dk
3-month project development lab that takes filmmakers from fine-tuning their animated documentary idea to narrative development and pitching.
Via University College
➝ animationworkshop.via.dk
Animation Sans Frontières – ASF
4 x 2-week course and project development lab designed to give junior animation film and production professionals an understanding of the European animation industry/markets.
Via University College
➝ animationsansfrontieres.eu
BDC Discoveries
BDC Discoveries is aimed at documentary projects in development with international potential and a cross-media angle.
Balkan Documentary Center
➝ bdcwebsite.com
CEE Animation Workshop
Project development and producer skills advancement training programme designed for film professionals working in the field of animation.
Drustvo Slovenskega Animiranega Filma
➝ www.ceeanimation.eu/workshop
Cinekid – Directors LAB
Feature Film, Kids & Teens
Programme for directors with a children‘s film project in advanced development. Experienced directors will focus on final steps prior to pre-production and on specific skills required for working with children.
Stichting Cinekid
➝ cinekid.nl/professionals
CineLink – Docu Rough Cut Boutique
Workshop and closed screening of 6 creative feature length documentary projects in post-production from Southeast Europe.
Obala Art Centar, Sarajevo Film Festival
➝ www.cinelinkindustrydays.com
CIRCLE Women Doc Accelerator
Documentary, Feature Film
Exclusive programme for women-identifying documentary and fiction filmmakers seeking support to develop their films and professional skills.
Wake Up Doo Za Filmsku i Video Produkciju Novi Sad
➝ doccircle.me
CPH:LAB is CPH:DOX’s talent development programme that encourages creative risk-taking, collaboration across borders and business sectors and supports visionaries to push the existing boundaries of documentary filmmaking.
Fonden De Kobenhavnske Filmfestivaler
➝ cphdox.dk/lab
Creative Simulation Technologies
12-week course where participants learn from VFX professionals how to master the art and science of simulations in Houdini. Topics include fluid simulations, rigid body work, pyro dynamics, real-time graphics and more.
VIA University College
➝ animationworkshop.via.dk
Developing an Animated TV Special and TV Series
Open to graduates and young professionals working in the animation sector, this 11-week-long module focuses on the project development, scriptwriting for a TV special and development of a concept for a TV or web-based series.
La Poudrière - Ecole cu Film d‘Animation
➝ poudriere.eu/en
Documentary Campus Masterschool
A ten-months mix of workshops, webinars, pitches and extensive networking opportunities to develop and finance ambitious documentary projects aiming at European and international audiences and markets.
Documentary Campus GmbH
➝ documentary-campus.com
dok.incubator workshop
8-month workshop for creative teams (director, editor, producer) with ambitions to enter the international market with their documentary films in the rough cut stage.
DOK.Incubator Z.S.
➝ dokincubator.net
ESoDoc - European Social Documentary
8-month training for professionals who want to improve their storytelling and co-creative skills, to broaden the potential of their projects to gain access to a larger market.
ZELIG - Societa‘ Cooperativa
➝ www.esodoc.eu
Participants will develop their documentary projects and career over 8 months in 2 groups led by film professionals. Focusing on development, co-production, financing and packaging, also open to professionals involved in the support of documentary film production.
➝ eurodoc-net.com/en
European Creators‘ Lab – Development Lab
Lab focusing on XR storytelling, content development and the creative challenges of immersive story worlds, offering expert sessions and masterclasses, a safe space to learn, experiment and collaborate in a non-competitive, multi-disciplinary, creative environment.
➝ european-creators-lab.com
European Creators‘ Lab – Residency
The residency supports up to 10 immersive projects in an advanced concept state with individual coaching sessions from international mentors and inspiring workshops and masterclasses.
➝ european-creators-lab.com
European Creators‘ Lab – Prototyping Lab
Working across disciplines and industries, focusing on immersive narration, UX design, production processes and workflows, team skills, and rapid prototyping. Together the participants work on ideas for the medium and the markets of the future.
➝ european-creators- lab.com/
Ex Oriente Training Programme
Documentary, TV Series
The 9-month programme is focused on supporting the development and funding of creative documentary (Ex Oriente Film) and docuseries (Ex Oriente Series) projects.
Institute of Documentary Film
➝ dokweb.net/activities/ex-oriente-film
ISI The Audience Design Lab
Feature Film
4-days creative workshop for film teams introducing the audience design methodology to identify audiences and ways to engage them.
International Screen Institute
➝ screeninstitute.eu
TorinoFilmLab – FeatureLab
Feature Film
Lab focusing on artistic and creative aspects as well as on production and promotion strategies in the development of 1st and 2nd feature films.
➝ torinofilmlab.it
TorinoFilmLab – SeriesLab
TV Series
The lab follows the entire process of creation of a TV series concept, from determining the fundamental building blocks of the project through creating the story of the season and writing the pilot, up to a final presentation in front of international TV industry key players.
➝ torinofilmlab.it
Permalink: https://creative-europe-desk.de/artikel/get-trained/project-development