ACE Producers
Feature Film
Experienced independent producers apply with a feature film project in development suitable for co-production, aimed at the international market, focusing on the key position and responsibilities of the producer throughout the whole process of filmmaking.
Vereniging Atelier Cinema Europa
ACE Animation Special
A workshop for experienced producers who want to include, and/or deepen their knowledge of developing and producing long form animation production for an international audience.
Vereniging Atelier Cinema Europa
ACE Leadership Special
Feature Film, TV-Series,
The workshop is aimed at experienced producers looking to establish sound business foundations for their companies and develop their personal leadership and entrepreneurial skills.
Vereniging Atelier Cinema Europa
ACE Series Special
A hands-on workshop for experienced producers who want to integrate a series division into their companies and/or deepen their knowledge of developing and producing TV drama series for an international audience.
Vereniging Atelier Cinema Europa
The Art of Negotiating Agreements for Film and TV
Feature Film, Documentary, TV-Series, Animation
Participants will dive into the psychological dynamics involved in any negotiation and gain knowledge on how to protect their interests in the best way.
Erich Pommer Institut
Atelier Ludwigsburg-Paris
Feature Film
Yearlong fulltime continuous training programme for young producers and distributors to enhance the competitiveness of the European film industry. Organized by Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg in Ludwigsburg and La Fémis in Paris.
Ecole Nationale Sup Metier Image et Son
Audiovisual Women
Feature Film, Documentary, TV-Series, Animation
Leadership programme for female professionals in mid to senior level management positions, enhancing the womens skillset to enable and empower them to master industry challenges, develop innovative business models and embrace the opportunities of digitization.
Erich Pommer Institut
Cartoon Business
3-day top-level seminar for all animation professionals focusing on the new business models for animation, the challenges and opportunities in a changing media landscape.
Association Européenne du Film d‘Animation
Clearing Rights for Film and TV
Feature Film, Documentary, TV-Series, Animation
Overview of rights’ clearance strategies and the necessary legal knowledge to tackle these issues head-on. Industry experts and case studies help participants develop a deep understanding of the topic in a surprisingly entertaining way.
Erich Pommer Institut
EAVE – Producers Workshop
Feature Film, Documentary, TV-Series
A year long programme built around 3 intensive workshops that
focus on professional development through working on the
development of fiction, documentary and TV series projects.
EAVE - European Audiovisual Entrepreneurs
Feature Film, Documentary, TV-Series
4-day workshop for independent producers with a solid track record and international experience that seek to improve their managerial and financial capacity to compete successfully in European and global markets, and to run sustainable companies.
EAVE - European Audiovisual Entrepreneurs
EPI e-Trainings
Feature Film, Documentary, TV-Series, Animation
Guided eTrainings with international experts on demand on diverse topics such as Green Production, Pitching, Change Management, Co-Production, Agile Innovation Management, Storytelling, Agreements, Negotiations and Rights Management.
Erich Pommer Institut
European Games Accelerator
The 6-month programme focuses on business and management for video game studios and explores different ways to finance, develop and release a video game to the market.
Spielfabrique 360
Feature Film, Documentary
3 sessions for professionals working with AV archives and heritage, covering each step of the archives management process.
Institut National de l‘Audiovisuel
IDFAcademy gives emerging international filmmakers the opportunity to meet a broad spectrum of highly esteemed documentary professionals willing to share their knowledge of the industry.
International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam
ISI Business and Legal Affairs
Feature Film, TV-Series,
5-days course on business aspects & legal framework required for a film or series across the value chain to create confidence in negotiation.
International Screen Institute
ISI Sustainability Management
Feature Film, Documentary, TV-Series, Animation
8-days workshop with a 360° multi-dimensional sustainability approach covering economical, ecological, cultural and social aspects.
International Screen Institute
Leading Innovation and Change in Film and TV
Feature Film, Documentary, TV-Series, Animation
3-day-workshop for film professionals looking to embrace the continuous change that’s going on and capitalize on new opportunities, introducing a range of entrepreneurial approaches to innovative and sustainable businesses models.
Erich Pommer Institut
Series Women
Career enhancement programme for female producers in the European drama series industry.
Erich Pommer Institut
TorinoFilmLab - Green Film Lab
Feature Film, Documentary, TV-Series, Animation
3-day workshops for film industry professionals with or without a project and green managers on sustainable shooting and producing involving knowledge about energy-saving, travel, catering, set decoration, communication and more.