Wer an einem Antrag für die Creative Europe Förderung für Videospiele und immersive Inhalte sitzt, der und die kann Tipps von Antragsteller:innen, die bereits eine Förderung bekommen haben, gut gebrauchen! Unsere Kolleginnen vom Creative Europe Desk Ireland haben daher zehn Hinweise von Paul Conway von Spooky Doorway eingeholt, die vielleicht helfen können, leichter durch den Prozess zu navigieren und das beste aus dem Antrag rauszuholen.
Außerdem sind wir von den Creative Europe Desks natürlich da, um Fragen zu beantworten und Feedback zu geben. Auch bei unserer Sprechstunde zu allen Fragen rund um das FTOP und die Annexe am 29.1. um 11.00 Uhr.
Spooky Doorway / Isometric Dreams ist ein irisches Spielestudio, deren Videospiel Eldritch House von MEDIA unterstützt wurde. Darin geht es um ein übernatürliches Mysterium, das von der irischen Mythologie inspiriert ist.
Video Games and Immersive Content Development
Ziel der Förderung von Videospielen und immersiven Inhalten ist es, die Kapazitäten europäischer Videospielproduzenten und XR-Studios zu erhöhen, die das Potenzial haben, ein globales Publikum zu erreichen. Außerdem soll die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der europäischen Videospielindustrie auf den europäischen und internationalen Märkten verbessert werden, indem die europäischen Entwickler:innen ihre IP behalten.
Die Bewerbungsfrist für Video Games & Immersive Content endet am 12. Februar 2025.
Und hier nun die Tipps:
10 Tips for Games & Immersive Content Funding Applications
1. Allow Time To Do The Application
- There is a lot of detail required. Don’t expect to do it in a weekend
- We take 2 weeks on average: 1 week for creative info and game design doc and 1 week for application and budget
- Aim to submit before the deadline. If things go wrong, you’ll have time to figure it out!
2. Reach out to Creative Europe MEDIA Office
- If you get overwhelmed or confused contact the Creative Europe Media Desks
- They can help you figure it out, review content, steer you in the right direction. They’re nice!
3. Your Budget Should Be Realistic
- Remember your budget is for a demo, not a full game
- Budget for the game you’re actually making
- Make sure you’re considering all the costs: Music, SF, Voice Acting, UI / UX, Art, Marketing, Event Travel etc.
- Do you need to apply for the full amount?
- Can you cover the 40% of the expenses you need to provide?
4. Show A Realistic Development Timeline
- Create a realistic timeline of what you’re going to do and when.
- It will change as you make the game, but it shows you’ll have considered the development in detail.
- Professional developers will be reviewing your work. They will know if you’re underestimating the time needed.
- If it’s not a reasonable timeline, then your budget will come under more scrutiny.
5. Treat Your Creative Dossier Like A Pitch
- Make a PowerPoint style document that flows well and is easy to read.
- Invest in good art. It’s competitive. Do your best to stand out!
- Mock up screenshots as well as concept art.
- Do NOT use AI Art! It suggests you cannot make this game.
- Think of the application reviewers as publishers. What do you need them to see or understand quickly?
- What’s your hook? What makes your game special. Don’t hide it in the Game Design Document or the Part-B document.
6. Humanise Your Team
- Add a slide showing the people who are making the game. (If you already have a team in place).
- It doesn’t matter if it’s a small team or you’re a solo dev. People make games!
- Show your achievements if you can.
- Explain why you want to make the game.
7. Provide A Detailed Game Design Document
- You need to be able to demonstrate that you’ve really thought your game through.
- This document lets you explore the story and mechanics in detail.
- It will show the scope of your vision and where the money is going.
- It will communicate anything you were unclear about in the application or pitch.
- You’ll need this for a publisher anyway.
8. Show Your Market Research And Strategy
9. Get Help With The Writing (If You Need It)
10. Try To Get Some Supporting Documents
Vielen Dank an Creative Europe Desk Ireland für die Bereitstellung und an Paul Conway!
Permalink: https://creative-europe-desk.de/artikel/news/10-tips-for-video-games-immersive-content-applications