Während des Festivals Anima am 12. und 13. Februar 2018 in Brüssel findet das North-South Animation Forum statt. Die belgischen Attachés von Brussels Invest & Export laden Produzenten, Verleiher und Fernsehredakteure zu einem intensiven zweitägigen Treffen ein. Die Reisekosten werden übernommen.
Hier einige Angaben:
Who can apply? Producers/distributors/broadcasters. Producers that want to pitch have to have 30% of their financing in place & have international ambition. It's open for series, feature films, all other types of formats and for all target audiences.
How to apply? Contact the local Attaché in your country (see the contacts in the invitation), before 15 january 2018.
Costs: Producers only have to pay the trip, the hotel & the diner/lunch will be paid. For broadcasters all the costs will be covered.
Date: Monday 12 February afternoon - Tuesday afternoon 13 February 2018
Address: Flagey, Brussels
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Permalink: https://creative-europe-desk.de/artikel/news/einladung-zum-north-south-animation-forum